Book Blitz
Hope We Never Meet Again
Srinath Krishnamoorthy
A girl gets divorced just before her wedding!
A widow seeks answers for the deaths of her husband and son.
A mysterious man follows a convicted rape victim.
A stranger scribbles a number in a train.
Two hearts part ways with a final wish: Hope we never meet again.
Then, there is a phone call...
Varun Diwakar is your average, happy-go-lucky young lad with many a dream that most middle class youth harbour. But, he has a peculiar predicament. An accident changes his life forever and he discovers that he can travel into the minds and dreams of people - and in that journey, he discovers many untold stories, painful narratives and surprising twists. What triggers it all, is the death of a dear friend that Varun decides to avenge. What happens in the end? How are all these stories connected? Does love outlast death and time, the two great levellers, and become the greatest leveller, of all? Find out, as bodies keep falling and many a lives are at stake!
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“Dreams are to be lived, not chased.”
“Sometimes you need to walk alone to be together with yourself…”
“Timeless love stories just have beginnings…”
“If you make your every today as safe as your yesterday’s… your dream of a better tomorrow will always remain a dream.”
“Well, history is more about heroes who rebelled and flourished than heroes who rebelled and perished. The ones that flourish became the songs and the ones that perished became the anthems. I strangely felt like a song that once craved to be an anthem.”
About the Author
Srinath Krishnamoorthy was born in Palakkad, Kerala. He holds a B. Tech degree from Government Engineering College, Palakkad and an M. Tech from MA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam. He is an avid reader, blogger and a traveler. This is his first novel and marks his transformation from a software engineer to a story engineer.
Facebook Link : https://www.facebook.com/hopewenevermeetagain
Author's blog : https://srinathkrishnamoorthy.wordpress.com/
Media Mention
His Christmas Delight - A Christmas Romance by Summerita RhayneCaught by Santa! For Myra, Christmas means supporting her friends. They rallied round getting her back on her feet after she lost Pete, her husband, so she's always ready to help any of them. No matter to what lengths the challenge makes her go. Only she didn't expect to find Santa almost catching her in her wrongdoings. Then she finds that the handsome Santa is Jay, her old high school friend. Now he's changed from a gangly geek to an attractive stranger. After missing out on the dating scene for a long time after losing Pete, she feels the first stirring of desire. But Jay is playing hot and cold, refusing to admit the attraction sizzling between them. He’s back in Goa just for Christmas. Jay knew Myra as his best friend's girl. Now Pete is gone, but Jay is finding difficult to let go of the scars he picked up in Coast Guard service. He’s home only to help revive his brother’s toy shop. When he finds himself making excuses to stay, he knows he’s crossing the limits he’d set himself. What’s the purpose in taking this further when he knows he cannot be the one to give her the happiness she deserves? But no matter how hard he tries, the scorching flames of wanting only seem to get stronger. How can he keep on denying the attraction between them when she insists on coming close? Book Link at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/His-Christmas-Delight-Romance-ebook/dp/B01BYHO0AI Goodreads link: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29348614-his-christmas-delight About the Book
Published by Ramjam Publishing Company
February 12th 2016 Women’s Romantic Fiction ISBN Paperback: 978-0-9573782-8-5 ISBN Kindle: 978-0-9573782-9-2 A romantic comedy – the sequel to Coffee, Tea, The Gypsy & Me, which shot to #3 on Amazon and was E-book of the Week in the Sun. Continuing the Coffee, Tea... series, join Jo and Hattie as they romp into their middle years and prove that anything is possible! Coffee Tea The Caribbean & Me was a top ten finalist at The Write Stuff - London Book Fair 2015. The judge’s comments included, “Caroline is a natural story-teller with a gift for humour in her writing.” Coffee Tea The Caribbean & Me, is a a story about friendship and that there is hope in middle years, romance can happen and life really does begin again. Set in Cumbria, London and beautiful Barbados. ‘The time to be happy is now...’ Jo remembers her late husband’s words but is struggling to face the lonely future that lies ahead. A heartbroken widow, the love of her life, husband Romany John, has died suddenly and Jo finds herself alone with ghostly memories at Kirkton House - a Cumbrian Manor that until recently, she ran as a thriving hotel. Her two sons have moved away; Jimmy to run a bar in Barbados and Zach, to London to pursue a career as a celebrity chef. Middle-age and widowhood loom frighteningly and Jo determines to sell up and start again, despite protestations from colourful friend, Hattie and erstwhile admirer Pete Parks. Hattie convinces Jo to postpone any life-changing decisions by enjoying a Caribbean holiday in Barbados and their holiday sets off a course of events that brings mayhem and madness to Jo and her family. Confused and anxious for her future, can life really begin again for Jo? Is there hope in middle years and can romance happen? myBook.to/CoffeeTeaTheCaribbean About the Author
Caroline James was born in Cheshire and wanted to be a writer from an early age. She trained, however, in the catering trade and worked and travelled both at home and abroad. Caroline's debut novel, Coffee Tea The Gypsy & Me shot to #3 on Amazon and was E-book of the Week in The Sun newspaper. Her second novel, So, You Think You're A Celebrity… Chef? has been described as wickedly funny: 'AbFab meets MasterChef in a Soap…' The manuscript for Coffee Tea The Caribbean & Me was a Top Ten Finalist at The Write Stuff, London Book Fair 2015 and the judge’s comments included: “Caroline is a natural story-teller with a gift for humour in her writing.” Her next novel, Coffee Tea The Boomers & Me will be published autumn 2016.
Caroline has owned and run many catering related businesses and cookery is a passion alongside her writing, combining the two with her love of the hospitality industry and romantic fiction. As a media agent, Caroline represented many well-known celebrity chefs and is currently writing a TV script and accompanying book about the life of a well-known chef. She has published short stories and is a member of the RNA and The Society of Authors. Caroline writes articles on food and celebrity based interviews and is Feature Editor for an online lifestyle magazine. When she's not running her hospitality business and writing, Caroline can generally be found with her nose in a book and her hand in a box of chocolates, she also likes to climb mountains and contemplate life. www.carolinejamesauthor.co.uk Twitter: @CarolineJames12 Giveaway
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About the Book
Genre: a dog tale/ humour
Release Date: 14th Jan 2016 Publisher: Crooked Cat Publishing Has he chosen well and landed on his paws? Dougal the Labradoodle puppy, a complete hypochondriac and Boris Johnson’s No1 fan, arrives in Greenwich with great expectations. He longs to travel the world on Virgin Atlantic, dine at royal banquets and become; either a superstar and party the night away or work as a doorman at the Savoy. Behaviour classes were never on his wish list, neither were cliff-hanging experiences on the Thames, booze cruises to Calais or obsessions for eating socks. Can he survive life with a chaotic owner and her eccentric friends? Can he deal with his jealousy when a foster puppy comes to stay? And as for his dreams, will they ever come true? AMAZON UK AMAZON US Author Interview
1) Was it a challenge to write from a dog’s point of view? If yes, what was most difficult?
At the start it was a question of finding Dougal’s voice. Once I got that it was fairly easy. But I did find I’d made major errors. I mean is a dog going to wax lyrical about a sunset? And a gate is there as a thing to jump over, walk through or pee against, not as some ornate object, to be admired. 2) If you could cross any two dog breeds in the world to make your own new breed (like a Labradoodle), what would you choose, and how would you name your new dog breed? This is a difficult subject. Many people are convinced breeds shouldn’t be tampered with. Others believe there are certain pedigrees with inherited health problems which could be helped, if they were mixed with other breeds. There are many poodle crosses around. And since there’s masses of money to be made out of them, some may come from puppy farms. Poodles are highly desirable as a mix. They’re highly intelligent and don’t molt. A poodle/ whippet cross could be called a Pippet or a whoodle. 3) Do you have a dog or any other pet? Has that influenced your writing? As a child I had a hamster called Mr Murdoch. And indeed I do have an unfinished story about a hamster being found in a skip at a recording studio. He’d been used in an advert for a diet drink for overweight animals. He was the after diet, animal, dumped at the end of the show. An old security guard who lives in a caravan beside the studio, finds him, takes him in and cares for him. The hamster ends up helping out in the studio kitchens. Of course he can talk. It’s a baddies versus the goodies, story. Masses of action. Many locations. I was too immature a writer to cope with it, then. Perhaps, once I’ve finished my next book, I should tackle it again. 4) Tell us more about yourself and your plans for your writing career. Well, I live in South East London with two dogs, the old grandchild and an awful lot of clutter. I’ve had a great variety of jobs during my life; working as a sales girl, cinema usherette, actress and chef. I am crazy about food, wine, films and opera. Adore travelling and have been to China, India, and Japan on several occasions. Visited Morocco on my own - not necessarily to be incouraged. The world is changing so rapidly I am unsure where to head next. Three years ago I joined a writing school in Dartford, The Write Place, run by the Saga writer Elaine Everest. She got me writng more seriously. Until then I’d shown my scribbles, to no-one. Thanks to her, Dougal’s Diary was finished and published. Now I’m working on my next book. We’re told to write what we know about. So, having having spent the last twenty years as a free-lance chef; cooking in Britain , Europe and the States, in the homes of the very wealthy, I am combining my knowledge of cooking with crime. Cozy crime. Tilly Carey, a newly qualified chef goes down to crumbling mansion in Gloucestershire to cook for a funeral. She is given a frosty reception by a quarrelling aristocratic family. Deaths Occur. Her own family, mother and brother appear in the book, so does her assistant Konstantine, a student from Tbilisi. A young Scottish man she meets on a train, brings in some love interest. 5) If you could choose between living as a dog and living as a human being, what would you go for, and why? This is a difficult. It’s really a question of where they’re living. A dog in Afghanistan, or a human in Afghanistan? I really wouldn’t want to be either. But if I had to choose, I’d prefer to stay human. A dog in a smart house in Chelsea or its owner? I’d go for the dog. Plenty of comforts; top quality food and the filipino housekeeper would take me for walks. I might even go hunting and shooting at the weekend. There’d be no worries over markets crashing or decisions about leaving or staying in the EU. Then there’s the homeless. Which is it best to be, a homeless man or his dog? Definitely the dog, who isn’t homeless because he lives with his homeless owner. About the Author
Sarah, who grew up in Bristol, now lives in South East London with two dogs, the occasional grandchild and a lot of mess. She’s had a chequered career as ballet dancer, cook, cleaning lady, salesgirl of outsize underwear in Littlewoods and actor. As an actor she worked mostly in the theatre: plays ranging from Shakespeare to improvised, both comedy and tragedy.
Cooking combines two of her passions; travel and people. She’s catered on barges in Burgundy, private houses in America, many stately homes in England, run a delicatessen, a stall in a farmer’s market and been a judge on the Great Taste Food Awards. Good opportunities for hearing about the lives of others. Her need to write began with letters; sending home news of her adventures. At seventeen: travelling alone on the Trans-Siberian Railway and across the Sea of Japan. In Greece as a drama student, when the van blew up at the Springs of Daphne and they explored the mainland, riding on bread vans and tractors before selling their blood for a fiver and hitch-hiking home on a lorry. Or in Morocco on a solo trip, in pre-mobile phone days, when she was chucked off a bus in the desert and found herself surrounded by hundreds of camels and similar numbers of men, all in local dress. Since then Sarah hasn’t stopped scribbling and joining the Write Place, a writing class in Dartford, encouraged her to put the contents of numerous exercise books into something more concrete. These days Sarah chooses less adventurous holidays but might well send one of her characters off on a trek she doesn’t feel brave enough to make. Dougal’s Diary is Sarah’s first book. Facebook: Sarah www.facebook.com/Sarah Stephenson798 Dougal: www.facebook.com/dougal.stephenson Twitter: Sarah: @SvsStephenson Dougal : @DougalDiary Blog: dougaldogsdiary.blogspot.co.uk Giveaway
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I'll be releasing my multicultural romance novel "Seduced in Spain" this month, so here's another snippet to whet your appetite. It's Book 2 in the "Romance Round the World" series, Book 1 being "Saved in Sri Lanka".
“Gracias, Alejandro. Buenas noches.” Emily kept it short and simple, although a hundred words and sentences were waiting to burst forth and possibly ruin it all. She kept her gaze fixed on his chin because looking into his eyes would surely trigger something she shouldn’t be saying or doing. His scent was all around her, intoxicating her alongside the cava in her bloodstream. The corridor was silent, and she thought she could hear her heart pound hard and fast. Could he hear it too? “Buenas noches,” he said, his tone so clipped it was almost rude. He turned on his heel and strode towards the lift, and she had to grip the door handle to steady herself. Why was she disappointed? What had she been expecting? Just when she straightened up to walk into her room and put a lid on the Pandora’s Box that should have been kept tightly shut, Alejandro stopped. He clenched his fists, and she thought she heard a muttered curse. In a few long strides, he stood right in front of her again, and this time there was no escaping his gaze. “Feel free to slap me,” he said, and before she could make any sense of it, his lips came crashing down on hers. There was nothing timid or soft or tender about the kiss, as it might have been after all these years. Instead, it was as if all the pent-up need flowed into this one touch of mouth against mouth. His lips were firm and insistent against hers, his tongue demanding entrance, and with a half-moan, Emily gave in and kissed him back. His taste flooded her, nut and syrup and wine. One of his strong hands clasped her neck, the other hand gripped her hip to draw her closer. Their tongues met, and Alejandro angled his head to deepen the kiss. She felt it deep inside her, soothing an ache, stirring a fire, breaking the cracks wide open. She wanted more. She knew she shouldn’t. |
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