There are storms in me and thunder and rain
warm like tears
like a wild rolling ocean
and I invite you to ride the waves with me
there are songs in me like drumming
like the sighing of a cello
like humming bees vibration and I vibrate with all this music
with all this sound and in the night
my mouth moves even in sleep
as I dream of all the things I want to tell you
I want to paint in huge swaths of color covering whole hillsides
paint all the moods cradled inside me
but there are pockets of shadow too and you need to see the shadow sides to know where the sunlit ones are
to appreciate the warmth you have to know what it's like to shiver
and if knowing me is too wild
too erratic
if what you love is calm and being certain and never getting messy never getting emotional or sometimes waving red flags just to see what bull will chase you
then stay indoors during the storm
stay on the shore
I will miss you
I look for you from the crest of the rolling water
and wave if I can see you
standing safely in the shallows
Broken Molds
I was melted by your smile
and dazzled
not noticing I was being poured into a mold I could not fit in
had not looked for
asked for
but any flaws were fully mine
starkly loudly labeled
there are so many truths and you spoke them all
yelled them all
layered them like colored sand in a bottle
and like sand it smothered me and my lips shut tightly
and I stood there
painfully molded
and listened as you shamed me for not fitting
and listened to the door groan closed
and I was left mute
until the sound waves from all my silent screaming shattered the glass and I rode the dune
all the way to the bottom
looking up at the clouds erasing the blue sky and wondering when I loved you
I am spreading out
like a spilled drink
and I want to climb again
to see the view from the top and then decide if I should keep climbing further
and I will start the journey
in my own skin and leave those sandy scraps of peeled picked off labels
and broken cheap plastic mold
in the sand
Is it the wind calling?
Is it the wind that calls me?
I can feel it rising and the thoughts bloom like night poppies
narcotic and fragrant
they come with the southern winds
with the smell of hot oil and herbs and sweat
Is it the wind calling?
am I to accept its invitation
am I to follow
ignoring the underscents of rage
of piety
and the crumbling perfume of old passions
too long hidden away
they smell like daylight trapped for years in an abandoned house
what will that wind tell me
if I dare answer? If I turn my face toward it
wrinkled like last autumns apples
will I breathe in its whisper and let it fill me
billowing my lungs like sails and
feel it lift me
let me fly to meet and follow the winds call
Or will the scents disappear
dissolve like dreams traces as you wake
leaving me feeling naked and emptied and slightly ashamed
because I wanted that wildness
that untamed wild wind wrapping around me and the magic blown into this world
settling its dust on me
is it the wind calling me?
About the Author
http://chimerapoetry.wordpress.com/ (Blog)
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