The Rules
2. Thank the blogger who gave you this award and link back to their blog.
3. Answer 11 questions given by your presenter.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award.
5. Think of 11 questions for the nominees.
My Answers
Gosh, there are so many countries I’d like to visit: India, Australia, Ireland, Scotland, England, Canada, Spain, Maldives, New Zealand, Italy, the list goes on…
2. Describe yourself using three words.
Creative, caring chocoholic ;-)
3. As a child, how did you answer that age old question: ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’
First I wanted to be a brain surgeon (when I was so small I barely knew what a brain is), then a writer.
4. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what five things would you need with you to survive or remain sane?
A laptop with internet (does that count as 2?), a diary and pen (okay, another 2) and a cat or dog.
5. Do you have any pets? Children? Plants?
Currently 2 cats and 4 dogs (and ornamental fishes). No children. Lots of plants in the garden (including fruit trees, roses, bougainvillea and jasmine), but those are hubby’s domain.
6. What do you do outside of your job for fun?
I read. Oh, and I read. Did I mention that I read? *lol*
7. What was the last book you read? What types do you usually read?
“Werewolves of Chicago: Curragh” by Faleena Hopkins. My favourite genre is romance in all its forms, but there’s basically no genre I don’t read. Sometimes I’ll indulge in fantasy or get carried away by mystery.
8. What is your favorite meal, either at a restaurant or at home?
Pizza at a restaurant, pasta at home (both rare treats for me here in Sri Lanka).
9. Do you often listen to music? What kind?
I used to, and sing along (out of tune, but hey). Now I hardly ever listen to music, apart from some Sundays when I catch a music bug and go through a whole list of old favourites. I prefer pop and rock, mostly ballads. Latin music is also great, and sometimes I relax with classical tunes.
10. If you could describe it succinctly, what would your life motto be
Hmmm… Never give up!
11. Give us one fact your blog readers might not know about you.
I almost ended up going to university in Australia, but then love and marriage caught me by surprise – and I don’t regret my decision.
My Questions
- If you could choose any job in the world, what would you want to do for a living?
- Is there a book you wish you had written?
- If you had to choose a spirit animal, which would it be?
- Have you traveled anywhere you immediately fell in love with?
- What are your favourite books?
- What’s your biggest strength?
- What are you scared of?
- If you could resurrect one dead person, who would you bring back to life?
- How would you describe me?
- Complete the following sentence: Reading means…
- How do you spend your weekends?
My Nominees
- Sundari Venkatraman -
- Susanne Bellamy -
- Liza O’Connor -
- Alisha Guenzel -
- Summerita Rhayne -
- Rubina Ramesh -
- Njkinny’s World of Books & Stuff -
- Sid Balachandran -
- Jami Gold -
- Melissa Foster -
- Jen Bradlee -