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Amrita Chowdhury
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The Blurb
How secure are your secrets in the virtual world? Weeks before pharma-giant Acel is ready to file a global patent application for cancer wonder-drug Colare, its offshore data centre in Mumbai is hacked. The charismatic, young leader of its Indian business, Dr Udai Vir Dhingra, finds himself being blamed for negligence and breach of security. Battling market pressures, media scrutiny, livid American bosses and crumbling relationships, Vir must find the perpetrators, or see his career – and his life – spiral downwards. But the deeper he gets dragged into the shadowy world of masked online identities and muddied digital footprints, the more Vir discovers that nothing is easy or obvious, and everything has a price. Set across Mumbai, Washington and Guangzhou, Breach is a compelling and edgy cyber thriller that explores the dark and dangerous underbelly of our increasingly virtual existence
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Meet the Author
Amrita Verma Chowdhury is the author of Faking It, an art crime thriller about fake modern and contemporary Indian art.
She holds engineering degrees from IIT Kanpur and UC Berkeley, where she was a Jane Lewis Fellow, and an MBA from Carnegie Mellon (Tepper Business School). Her work as an engineer in Silicon Valley led to seven US patents for semi-conductor fabrication – something to show for those bad-haired days. She has done Strategy Consulting and Board Effectiveness work in the US and Australia and has spent long nights fitting five-syllable words inside two-by-two squares. She has worked in the rarefied bastions of Ivy League education bringing together ideas and people. She currently works in publishing.
She lives in Mumbai with her husband Sumit, their two children Shoumik and Aishani, and an assortment of pets including a cocker spaniel, a guinea pig and two turtles. She loves travelling, baking cupcakes with her daughter and hearing from her readers.
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This #Throwback Thursday is dedicated to what happened roughly a year ago: I’ll be celebrating my 1st publishing anniversary next week, and I’m excited about it.
One year ago On March 4th 2014 I took the plunge and self-published my first novel, When I See Your Face. I had started the journey mid-2013 already when I had free time on my hands and finally decided to make my biggest dream come true: I’d become an author instead of just being a (technical / content) writer. To say I was terrified is putting it mildly, but I tried my luck anyway. Weeks were spent researching self-publishing, market(ing) trends and much more, and reading – no, devouring – a dozen romance novels to get a better feel for things. To cut the long story short, I had a story idea, worked on the concept, used NaNoWriMo to boost myself, and finished writing my first romance novel (technically a novella) by the end of the year. It took me until March 2014 to publish because there was just so much to do and learn. From that time on, my life took a new turn. It started filling with new friends from around the world, with hours spent on social media, with tons more of writing, with bright moments of happiness and quite some frustration, with an added source of income, and above all with a million lessons. One year later Now one year has come and gone, and much has changed. "When I See Your Face" is available as a free download and has become an Amazon bestseller. You can find out more about the book here and here, and download it in any desired eBook format here. To celebrate my 1st anniversary as a romance novelist, I’ll be releasing “Saved in Sri Lanka” on March 4th, exactly a year after my debut. It’s my 4th book – no wait, it’s actually my 5th book because apart from my own romance novels I have coauthored the romantic thriller "Forbidden” with bestselling author Mike Wells. So, THANK YOU for being a part of this experience, and stay tuned for an exotic island romance a week from today when “Saved in Sri Lanka” hits the online stores to woo you with a dose of Asia. ![]()
Book Blitz
Metro Diaries
Touching, amusing and deeply moving, Metro Diaries - Love Classics are tales that will hold you from start till end. ![]()
Love is one of the most amazing feelings on this earth, one that makes you the most powerful person or the most helpless person in a split second. These stories capture those feelings of despair, longing, love, lust, desire, want, dejection and admiration to create deja vu. Hold onto your hearts as you flip through these pages and take a walk down the memory lane as "Metro Diaries" will revive your innermost feelings and imbibe in you the magic of love. Touching, amusing and deeply moving, Metro Diaries - Love Classics are tales that will hold you from start till end.
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Namrata ![]()
Namrata is a prolific blogger known by the name Privy Trifles in the blogosphere who romances life through her writings and aspires to make love the universal language. She dons various hats between that of a contributing author to 6 anthologies a reviewer for leading publishing houses an editor to various books and a columnist. Apart from that she is also the editor for an online magazine called Writer's Ezine. Having mastered the nuances of finance till recently she also held the title of an investment banker closely to let it go to embrace her love for writing fully.
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by Rachel Rossano
Series: Novels of Rhynan, #2
Genre: Medieval Clean Romance
Release Date: February 23, 2015
![]() ![]() The Earl of Dentin excels in his position as Securer of the Realm. But the king’s order to pluck an orphaned child from a loving home unsettles Dentin. When a dark-eyed woman challenges his honor regarding the mission, Dentin finds himself unable to justify his actions or get her out of his mind. Something about her lack of fear intrigues him. Lady Elsa Reeve attempts to avoid the marriage of convenience her brother and mother demand of her. She understands the need to pay off her brother's massive debt. She only wants her family to consider her wishes in the process. As Elsa becomes further entangled in a snare of her brother’s creating, only one man defends her. But can she trust Dentin, her unlikely champion, and his motives? With a murderer on the loose, Elsa’s fate in jeopardy, and a traitor plotting against the king, Dentin finds his priorities shifting in an unexpected direction. ![]() ![]() A smattering of raindrops cut my ruminations short. I studied the angry gray clouds just as thunder rumbled. I decided running for the keep would be better than waiting the storm out in the shelter of the maze tower. I gathered my skirts up and ran for the opening in the nearest hedge. Even running so hard my lungs burned and my legs ached, the downpour beat me to the shelter of the vargar keep. Normally safe footing became treacherous in the sudden rush of water. Puddles and slick slate pavers slowed me more. Once gaining the half-open undercroft door, I plunged into the underbelly of the castle and pushed the heavy door closed behind me. Not bothering to check the corridor, I began wringing out my heavy rain-soaked skirt. “Greetings, Lady Elsa?” I jumped. It took all of my control not to cry out in surprise at the sound of the male voice. I lifted my head to find Lord Dentin standing not three feet away. He looked like he had just returned from a swim. Water coursed down his face and dripped from his clothes into a growing puddle on the stone floor. A partially dry wool blanket draped his shoulders. His hair, black with moisture, stuck out from his head at odd angles as though he had paused mid rub. Yet, his eyes were bright and a twitch pulled at his mouth. “It is good to know I wasn't the only one caught in the sudden downpour.” Suddenly realizing I was holding my dress up and exposing quite a bit of leg, I dropped my skirts. The slap of them hitting the wet floor echoed down the corridor. I flinched. His eyebrows rose and an actual smile pulled at his mouth. It took years off his face, revealing the remnants of the mischievous rascal he must have been in boyhood. “Don’t look so frightened. I won’t tell on you.” Anger gripped my chest and my chin rose instinctively. “I doubt my mother would care, my lord. She has grown calloused in her despair of me. I beg pardon. I didn't see you there.” His smile disappeared and his expression grew thoughtful. “I am a bit hard to miss.” “True, my lord. I need to proceed to my rooms now and change.” “By all means. I would not wish you to grow ill. I anticipate an animated conversation at the evening meal.” He stepped back a bit, offering half the narrow hall for me to pass. I gathered my skirts, keeping the edge just above the floor this time, and stepped through the gap. Then straightening my back and shoulders, I strode down the corridor to the servant’s staircase. “Wait.” I paused instinctively, but I didn't turn around. He approached, his boots making squelching sounds on the stone. “Have this.” He wrapped the wool blanket around my shoulders without actually touching me. It smelled of smoke, rain, and dog, but his residual warmth radiated from it. The heat felt heavenly on my chilled skin. “You need it more than I do.” Then before I could voice my gratitude, he strode toward the kitchen calling for someone named Reginald. “Thank you,” I whispered. Clutching the fabric to me, I dropped the pretense of dignity and ran for the stairs. If I was caught in this state of dress, my mother would never let me out of her sight again. ![]() ![]() ![]()
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Book 1: Duty: First Novel of Rhynan
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Today I am part of something special. On February 20th, 2015, hundreds of bloggers from all over the world have pledged to share a post on compassion. Many have written about this very important topic before already. You can check out the blog and Facebook as well as the Twitter hashtag #1000Speak.
I have decided to write a short story: ![]() Short Story: I will call you Hope
Karuna kicked a pebble out of her way and sighed. Another day of loneliness. Her mother was too busy cleaning the house and preparing food for her and her two younger siblings to care much for her. Her father was away on a different continent, working from morning until evening under back-breaking conditions to support his family back in Sri Lanka.
How she wished she had someone to play with! But her chuti nangi was four months old, and her malli, seven years old, was only interested in playing cricket with his friends or hunting the neighborhood for fruit trees to climb. Lifting her eyes from the dusty pavement, Karuna scanned her surroundings for anything that might hold her interest today. She loved looking at beautiful flowers, but most houses were surrounded by high stone walls with glass shards on top, so she was left with the trees lining the road and the drains spilling mossy greens onto the pavement. She had made up her mind to walk toward the city center and look at the toys in the shops, hoping her father would bring her one on his next visit, when noise from the other lane drew her attention. Karuna rounded the corner and walked towards the commotion. She heard raucous shouting and thumping noises, intermingled with high-pitched wailing that sounded inhuman and pierced her heart. Automatically she broke into a run although her pulse was hammering in instinctive fear. What was going on? When she came closer, she saw a group of boys, most of them a couple of years older than her and still dressed in their white school uniform. The tallest and thinnest of them was holding a stick in his hand while some of the boys were armed with stones and others were jeering and clapping. Karuna slowed down and edged closer, her heart in her throat. What she saw made her scream an involuntary NO, and the boys all froze in mid-action. On the dusty ground close to a garbage dumping site lay the lifeless, impossibly tiny, skeleton-thin body of a mud-colored puppy, its fur caked in its own blood. A few feet away, another puppy was cowering, shivering and whining. The tall boy had evidently been hitting it, trying to kill it too, for one of the sand-colored puppy’s legs lay at a strange angle, and blood was trickling down its small face. “No!” Karuna screamed again. “What are you doing? Don’t kill it!” The leader of the gang scowled at her before grinning. He elbowed the fat, dark boy next to him in the ribs. “Look who’s come to watch. Now this will be even more fun. Let’s see whether the puppy or the girl screams louder.” At his signal, two other boys advanced and grabbed Karuna’s arms to drag her forward into the circle. Another boy seized the puppy by its tail and lifted it high into the air, and they all laughed at its desperate yowling. The tall one lifted his arm to land another hit at the creature he considered worthless, and Karuna saw red. She didn’t know what possessed her, but from somewhere she found the strength to fight the strong hold the boys had on her. She yanked one arm free and flailed and kicked until the other boy let go of her with a curse. Flinging herself forward and raising one arm to protect her head, she snatched up the puppy that had been dropped in surprise. Hugging it close to her trembling body, she said, “You will not hit him. He’s mine. You can’t hurt him. If you want to get him, you have to hit me first.” Karuna didn’t feel half as brave as she would have wished it, and her voice was wobbly with terror, but her black eyes burned with determination. The boys took one long look at her, frowning and muttering to themselves. “Spoilsport, you’ll pay for this,” their leader shouted. He spat on the huddled form and dropped the stick. “He’s useless, just as you are useless. Filth associating with filth. He’ll die even if we don’t kill him.” With that, he signaled to the group and they walked off, chorusing “filth, filth, filth”. Karuna realized she was crying in big, snotty sobs. She didn’t bother wiping the boy’s spit from her arm but looked down at the puppy. It was pressing itself to her, huddling into her safe embrace and shaking like a leaf. “You’re not filthy, you’re the sweetest thing on earth,” she whispered to it soothingly. “I will call you Hope, and you’ll become my best friend.” Once she felt stable enough to walk, she got up and carried the puppy home, pressing her blouse over the bleeding wound on his face. Eleven years later Karuna turned the key in the lock of her apartment door, smiling brightly at the ruckus her dog was making on the other side of it. As soon as she had opened the door, he came bounding toward her on his short legs and leapt up to place his paws on her stomach and lick her hands. She dropped her handbag and squatted down to hug him. “Hey there, Hope. How has my sweetheart been? Did you miss me?” The dog whined softly before barking in joy again and licking her face with his big, wet tongue. She giggled and pried him away with greatest difficulty. Walking into the kitchen with him nipping at her heels, she poured him a bowl of milk and watched him lap it up within seconds. Hope was one of the ugliest dogs she had ever seen, and she had seen many mangy mongrels on the roadside. While his body was rather big—though not fat—his legs were much too short, and one the front legs bent awkwardly a little away from his body. His sandy fur was short everywhere but in his face where it was a mass of shaggy, grey curls. His tail was as long and as bald as a rat’s tail, and he had lost one eye the day she had rescued him. Still, he was her most precious possession and the best friend she had. The pitiable puppy had grown into a fiercely loyal and utterly kind-hearted furry beast that was the light of her life. Karuna patted Hope’s head and went into her room to undress and have a shower. She lived alone, barely able to pay the rent for the tiny apartment with her meager secretary’s salary. Her mother lived at Karuna’s brother’s house, and both had become estranged to her because Karuna refused to agree to an arranged marriage. Karuna’s baby sister was working abroad just like their father. As during childhood and adolescence, Karuna was too shy and quiet to make real friends, be it at her workplace or elsewhere. She avoided social gatherings, couldn’t afford anything nice in her life, and preferred staying at home with her dog. That night, Karuna awoke with a start when Hope leapt off her bed and started barking loud enough to wake the whole town. “Sweetie, what’s the matter?” she asked groggily, groping for the torch on the nightstand. By now the dog was growling and barking at the same time, his hackles raised. What on earth had gotten into her calm pooch that was too loving and lazy to get so worked up? Loud crashing and banging noises from the living room alerted her. Despite the warning voice in her head, Karuna grabbed the torch and opened the room door to find out what was going on. With a hand on the furious dog’s neck, she approached the living and gasped when she saw the reason for his behavior. Two dark figures with cloth wound around their heads and torches in their hands were rummaging through her belongings. The moment Hope saw them, he tore himself from her grasp and ran towards them, yapping and growling and barking, trying to bite the intruders. The men cursed and yelled, and one of them yelped when the dog sank his sharp teeth into his calf. The other man didn’t lose his calm that easily, unfortunately. In an instant he was at Karuna’s side and held a knife to her throat. “Call that bloody dog back or I’ll kill you,” he commanded. Trembling with terror, Karuna tried calling her dog back, but Hope wouldn’t listen. He kept avoiding the other man’s weapon while biting him all over his legs repeatedly. Karuna felt the blade of the knife pressed so tightly against her throat that it was cutting into the skin, and she shouted at her dog to come to her side and be good. It was no use. Just when she thought they’d both die, there was another loud crash that had them all freeze. She saw the glass of the living-room window burst into a million shards, and a figure looming in the half-light from the roadside lamps. “Stop whatever you’re doing, right now. I have called the police, resistance is futile,” a deep and surprisingly calm and commanding voice spoke. Her mysterious savior held up his mobile phone to emphasize his threat. When Hope used the burglar’s surprise to sink his teeth into a hand, things took a turn. Cursing in the harshest filth she had ever heard, the two men scampered off through the half-open front door they had broken into some minutes ago. There was eerie silence after they had vanished into the dark. Karuna sank to the floor as the shock finally registered, and Hope was by her side in a second, nuzzling her face and sniffing her all over to make sure she was fine. His face was covered in blood, but this time it wasn’t his own. A voice from the window broke her trance. “You have a really wonderful dog, you know. I think he just saved your life.” She watched as the man gingerly climbed into the room, avoiding all the broken glass. In a corner of her mind she wondered dimly why her dog didn’t bark at this stranger. The man slowly walked closer and bent down to them, and Hope still did nothing but watch him, one of his paws on Karuna’s knee. “Are you alright?” the stranger asked, and she looked into the kindest eyes she had ever seen, her dog’s eyes not counted. Author’s note: Karuna is the Pali (and Sanskrit) term for compassion, and part of the spiritual path of Buddhism. ![]() ![]()
Cover Reveal:
Sundari Venkatraman
Sneak Peek
Sangita Sinclair was not always this successful & passionate lady heading the NGO “Penn Urimai” for downtrodden, abused and homeless women….
When Sangita catches the eye of Gautam Sinclair she is a simple, homely girl; utterly unaware of her charms & capabilities. She has the devil’s own time in overcoming her inhibitions, hesitation, and her family’s orthodox and outdated rules before recognising her love for Gautam.
Will Gautam be able to solve Sangita’s Dilemma or will she be forever trapped in her past?
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Sundari Venkatraman has four novels and a short story collection to her name. Sangita’s Dilemma is her sixth book. Her books are self-published under the banner Flaming Sun and are often found on Amazon’s Top 100 Bestsellers’ Contemporary Romances list.
A great fan of Mills & Boon romances over the past four decades, Sundari has always believed in ‘Happily Ever Afters’ and all her books promise joyous endings.
Sangita’s Dilemma tells the story of Sangita, a young widow from a conservative family in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Her parents wouldn’t hear of widow remarriage and all hell breaks loose when a half-American falls in love with her and proposes marriage. Sundari deals with different issues in society in her books without preaching anyone. The characters speak for themselves.
The author says, “I wrote this book with a lot of love and passion; I hope you enjoy reading it.”
Sundari Venkatraman would love to hear from you @ Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | LinkedIn | Website | Google+ | Pinterest Other books by the author Double Jeopardy The Malhotra Bride Meghna The Runaway Bridegroom Flaming Sun Collection 1: Happily Ever Afters From India (Box Set) Matches Made In Heaven Are you ready????????? 5 4 3 2 1 0 . . . . . . ![]()
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My awesome author friend Liza O'Connor and her spunky heroine Lydia are dropping by today to entice you unashamedly and unabashedly. ;-)
Great news! Lydia can be bought for pennies this week. 99 of them.
Elizabeth Bennet told her story in Pride and Prejudice. Now Lydia Bennet tells her side of her whirlwind marriage to Lieutenant Wickham. The youngest of five daughters with a pittance of a dowry and no hope for a good marriage, Lydia feared her life was doomed from the start. She learns how to set herself apart from her sisters and gain the attention of young men. She hones charm and flirtation to an art. Willing to take risks, she manages to acquire a substantial dowry and marries her beloved Wickham. Yet, her life remains on the brink until she gains the patronage of a wealthy Duke trapped in a loveless marriage.
“Lydia was Lydia still; untamed, unabashed, wild, noisy and fearless.” —quote by Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen EXCERPT The loud clearing of a throat brought their attention to the frowning butler at the door. Lydia smiled at the man. “I know you will miss me, Mr. Tims, but Wickham and I are getting married.” The man blinked twice. “At this hour, miss?” She laughed and nodded. “We are going to Gretna Green. I have left Harriet a note, so don’t say a word. I want her to be surprised by my letter.” The butler seemed to recover from his shock. “Have you a carriage to take you?” She grimaced. “No. We are going to do that now.” “Allow me to handle the matter.” “Thank you, Tims. You are a good man.” Wickham feared the butler planned to alert Colonel Forster. “That is not necessary…” The butler smiled. “Oh, but it is, sir. I would dearly love to send the young miss off…” After a brief pause, he added, “In style.” When the butler left the room, Lydia turned to Wickham. “I now regret all the trouble I’ve caused the poor fellow. That was most obliging of him, do you not think?” Wickham pulled her close so she would not see the rolling of his eyes. He could only hope the butler was indeed getting a carriage so Lydia would leave before the Forsters could bring her to her senses. Five minutes later, a post chaise with four strong horses waited at the door. “Is this the best you could do, Tims?” Lydia asked as she climbed in the large carriage with a forward and backward seat. “At such a late hour, with no advance warning, we are lucky I found any carriage at all.” He then looked at Wickham. “I wish you the best of luck, sir.” “The same to you.” Wickham could only imagine the hell the man would catch when they finally realized the butler had assisted Wickham in carrying away the supply funds. ![]()
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Tour Schedule
Welcome to my stop for the Book Blitz of How To Survive Your Sisters by Ellie Campbell. This highly rated romance is on sale on Amazon in countries like India, Australia and UK from 3rd Feb to 1st March and Free on Amazon Kindle Unlimited in US!
Checkout the book, meet the author and go grab your copy of this "wonderfully warm and witty debut novel about family secrets and sibling rivalry."
How to Survive Your Sisters by Ellie Campbell
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Chick Lit, Women's Fiction
Publication Date: December 2013
A wonderfully warm and witty debut novel about family secrets and sibling rivalry.
The four MacLeod sisters are no strangers to sisterly rivalry and with one of them about to be married, there are bound to be fireworks. Perfectionist Natalie wants the 'wedding of the year'. Harassed mother, Milly, just wishes her bridesmaid's dress wasn't the size of a tent. Career-obsessed Avril secretly moons over a married man and world traveler, Hazel, the youngest, yearns to be taken seriously. Forced together for the first time in years, and with an unexpected guest stirring up old resentments, squabbles are inevitable. But when tragedy strikes things really fly apart - as some shocking skeletons emerge rattling from the crowded MacLeod closet..
~Praise for the Book~
'Makes sibling rivalry funny.' -Cosmopolitan
'A rollicking read,' -Carol Smith, author of Twilight Hour
'A cracking book with the entangled plot developing at great speed, one of the best in this area.' -BOOKSELLER
'Ellie Campbell's infectious sense of fun is immensely cheering. Her stories are a gorgeous blend of memorable characters, plot-twisting treats and heart-warming nostalgia. I hope the Ellie Campbell phenomenon is here to stay.' -Fiona Walker
'I totally ate this one up. A great book for anyone with a sister! Heck you don't even have to have a sister to get the humor!' Reading Renee Reviews
'The writing achieves the balance between lightheartedness and truth to look at family ties -- cosy, lovely, messy, and uncomfortable, all tangled up -- with real affection and honesty.' -Vine Voice
~Buying Links~
Amazon US {Free on Kindle Unlimited}| Amazon IN {Rs. 99} | Amazon AU {$1.80}| Amazon UK {£0.99}
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~Meet the Author~
Ellie Campbell is a pseudonym for sisters, Pam Burks and Lorraine Campbell who collaborate across the mighty Atlantic, finding writing together the perfect excuse for endless phone conversations. They are equally passionate about travel, animals and the great outdoors. Although Pam lives near London, with husband, three children and a dog, while Lorraine is on a Colorado ranch near wild and wonderful Boulder with husband, five horses, five cats, one dog and four chickens – they both believe in enjoying life to the fullest, be it discovering new remote locations or going on trail rides in the beautiful Rocky Mountains.
~Follow the Author~
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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1710882.Ellie_Campbell
Booklife: http://booklife.com/profile/ellie-campbell-5110
eNovel Authors at Work: http://enovelauthorsatwork.com/ellie-campbell
Riffle Author Page: https://read.rifflebooks.com/authors/129199
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/settings/authors#authors-search Ellie Campbell
Book Page on Booklife: http://booklife.com/my/project/how-to-survive-your-sisters-5184
Book Pages on Booklaunch: https://booklaunch.io/ecampbellbooks/how-to-survive-your-sisters
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Cover Reveal
Take 2
Second Chance At Happiness by
Ruchi Singh
"Happily ever after has become a myth for Priya and trying to keep the relationship platonic is becoming more and more difficult for Abhimanyu"
Priya’s idyllic world turns upside down when she realizes her husband considers her dead weight after stripping her off her inheritance for his ambitions and lavish lifestyle.
Abhimanyu is instantly attracted to Priya when life throws them together. He knows getting involved with a married woman is inviting trouble. But despite common sense, cautions and hesitations, he is drawn to help her. Happily ever after has become a myth for Priya and trying to keep the relationship platonic is becoming more and more difficult for Abhimanyu. In the tussle between ethics, fears and desires... will Priya embrace a second chance at happiness?
Ruchi Singh ![]() A voracious reader, her favourite genres is 'romantic thriller'. Besides writing and reading, her other interests include dabbling with Indian classical dance forms.
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Cover Reveal
Unexpected Valentines
Summerita Rhayne
"Love can be found at the most unexpected places, with unlikely people. Your heart might be searching for love but when love finally hits, it shies away from committing."
Love can be found at the most unexpected places, with unlikely people. Your heart might be searching for love but when love finally hits, it shies away from committing.
What are the barriers that keep two people away, even when perfect love is just within reach? Explore the ways love can be discovered. Celebrate romance with this quick read ideal for romance fiction lovers.
Stories in this collection
Unexpected Valentine
The Magic Within
Love at loggerheads
Chained to Shadows
Right or Wrong
Coffee and Clashes
Hooded Desire
Preorder now at:
Summerita Rhayne ![]() She divides her time between family, job and writing - and loves winding down with music, movies and the internet!
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Her Other Works...
Against All Rules
Hidden Passion
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