One year ago
On March 4th 2014 I took the plunge and self-published my first novel, When I See Your Face. I had started the journey mid-2013 already when I had free time on my hands and finally decided to make my biggest dream come true: I’d become an author instead of just being a (technical / content) writer. To say I was terrified is putting it mildly, but I tried my luck anyway. Weeks were spent researching self-publishing, market(ing) trends and much more, and reading – no, devouring – a dozen romance novels to get a better feel for things. To cut the long story short, I had a story idea, worked on the concept, used NaNoWriMo to boost myself, and finished writing my first romance novel (technically a novella) by the end of the year. It took me until March 2014 to publish because there was just so much to do and learn.
From that time on, my life took a new turn. It started filling with new friends from around the world, with hours spent on social media, with tons more of writing, with bright moments of happiness and quite some frustration, with an added source of income, and above all with a million lessons.
One year later
Now one year has come and gone, and much has changed. "When I See Your Face" is available as a free download and has become an Amazon bestseller. You can find out more about the book here and here, and download it in any desired eBook format here.
To celebrate my 1st anniversary as a romance novelist, I’ll be releasing “Saved in Sri Lanka” on March 4th, exactly a year after my debut. It’s my 4th book – no wait, it’s actually my 5th book because apart from my own romance novels I have coauthored the romantic thriller "Forbidden” with bestselling author Mike Wells.
So, THANK YOU for being a part of this experience, and stay tuned for an exotic island romance a week from today when “Saved in Sri Lanka” hits the online stores to woo you with a dose of Asia.