Author Interview with Pamela Fagan Hutchins
At the core of what I do, I write what I write because it is what I want to write and what I want to read. (That’s a mouthful, isn’t it???) But the challenge is that readers will pick up my book for their own reasons. Maybe a romance reader chooses it because of the romantic elements. But those readers expect a romance. I don’t write true romances, although you could say that each protagonists’ three-book story arc comprises one romance. Other readers like the magical realism and spirituality in my books, but I don’t write ghost stories or magical realism. Other readers like the mystery or legal thriller aspects, yet I don’t write police procedurals, legal thrillers, spy thrillers, or even romantic suspense. So the challenge is balancing the expectations of readers and giving them an experience that is so fantastic that they will suspend the rules of the genre they usually read to enjoy my character’s journey. At the same time, as an author I have this inner muse that demands a particular story, and once that horse is out of the barn, it’s dang hard to put it back in. I love it and I hate it. It’s hard to do. But I couldn’t do it any other way <3
2) What's your favourite genre to write and read?
I like books with wonderful description, complex and authentic characters, suspenseful plots that don’t violate our reality, a fast pace that takes me away from my every-day life, and don’t rely on shock value. Beyond that, I’ll read anything. I’ve been coaching two literary fiction writers. It’s not my go-to type of book, but I love their work. If you held a gun to my head and said YOU CAN ONLY PICK ONE, it would be romantic mysteries. :-)
3) If you had to sum up life as an author in 5 words, which words would you choose?
Brain overloaded, wearing pajamas, reality-averse
4) Do you have any writing rituals?
For the book I’m writing now, What Doesn’t Kill You #8, I put on a white linen gown that belonged to the woman whose life inspired the story. It helps me capture the mood. It gets washed a lot. I hope there’s something left of it when I finish the book.
5) I caught something on Goodreads about you 'traveling in a Bookmobile'. Care to tell us about that?
Yes! We have an RV with my book covers plastered all over it. In the summers, we travel around the continental US in it and visit bookstores, libraries, book clubs, and anywhere readers gather and have an interest in my presence. I think this summer we’re even heading north into Canada for a week or two. It’s tons of fun.
Spotlight on "Hell to Pay"

Big-haired paralegal and former rodeo queen Emily thinks she’s got her life back on track. Her adoption of Betsy seems like a done deal, her parents have reunited, and she’s engaged to her sexy boss Jack. Then client Phil Escalante’s childhood buddy Dennis drops dead, face first into a penis cake at the adult novelty store Phil owns with his fiancée Nadine, one of Emily’s best friends. The cops charge Phil with murder right on the heels of his acquittal in a trail for burglarizing the Mighty is His Word church offices. Emily’s nemesis ADA Melinda Stafford claims her witness overheard Phil fighting with Dennis over a woman, right about the time Phil falls into a diabetic coma, leaving Nadine shaken and terrified. Meanwhile Betsy’s ultra-religious foster parents apply to adopt her and Jack starts acting weird and evasive. Emily feels like a calf out of a chute, pulled between the ropes of the header and the heeler, as she fights to help Phil and Nadine without losing Betsy and Jack.
She says her first book came out in 2012 and that her latest, Hell to Pay, is the seventh book in the series. The books all have ties to Texas, with “an interrelated cast of kick-ass female protagonists.” She says the novel's heroine (“a former rodeo queen turned paralegal”) returns to her home town in west Texas and discovers an extremist cult has set up shop and is terrorizing the local townsfolk.
Chapter One Excerpt
Disco lights whirled around me, or was it the room? My inner party animal had atrophied, not that I’d ever been a real heavyweight. If it wasn’t for the fantastic people-watching—and the fact that this was the celebration party for the burglary acquittal of our firm’s client Phil Escalante the day before, and his engagement to Nadine, one of my best friends in Amarillo--I've bagged this shindig. Instead, there I was with tendrils of fake smoke floating past my face, ten
feet from a DJ dressed in a black latex fetish costume and spiked dog collar and A tall woman maybe ten years older than me appeared out of the low lights and sidled up to me, engulfing me in the odor of cigarettes. Her vanilla hair sported a generous dollop of dark chocolate roots, which was pretty funny to me since she had a body shaped like a cone. A waffle cone. A waffle cone with sparkly sprinkles from the spinning ball overhead. Behind her trailed a paunchy man of roughly her height. His eyes had locked on me in a way that made my skin crawl with leeches that weren’t there.
Rick James’s “Super Freak” ended. The silence in the cavernous L-shaped room was immediate and complete, but short-lived. A clamor of voices from the one-hundred- or-so guests resumed, their voices echoing off the bare walls and “Hey, Foxy Loxy,” the man mouthed at me. Or did he? Surely not. It was hard to tell with the lights playing tricks on my eyes.
The woman spoke past me. “You and your wife got any plans later?” Her bellow seemed to fill the room to its farthest corners, even with all the other voices. I winced and shrank under the eyes that shifted our way.
Not Jack, though. The horse rancher cum criminal attorney was nothing if not unflappable. His topaz eyes twinkled. “Emily’s not my wife.”
The man surged toward Jack. “You’re not together?”
“I’m his fiancée,” I said through my recently tightened braces and painfully rubber-banded teeth, leaving out “and he’s my boss.” I waved my big, fat teardrop-shaped diamond at him to accentuate my point, then I pinched Jack’s arm where my hand was looped through its crook. I’d capitulated to the mouth gear when my childhood orthodontist saw the gap between my front teeth and insisted I needed Invisalign then, filled my mouth with metal instead. Payback for never wearing my retainer, I guess.
The man and woman looked at each other and nodded. She asked, “Care to join us? We’ve got a room at a no-tell hotel nearby.”
Jack’s whole body shook and I didn’t dare look at him. I was a sucker for his laugh. In fact, I was a sucker for everything about him, from his lived-in boots to his permanent tan to his Apache cheekbones. Before either of us could think of an appropriate response, Phil interrupted.
“Millie, Pete, leave my poor friends alone.” He clapped a hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me aside to clap his other onto Jack’s. “They’re not swingers. And this isn’t a swingers social. I’m out of the business.”
The space between Millie’s eyebrows narrowed and puckered as drops of
light rained down on her face. “It’s a free country, ain’t it?”

She is a recovering attorney and investigator who resides deep in the heart of Nowheresville, Texas and in the frozen north of Wyoming. Pamela has a passion for great writing and smart authorpreneurship as well as long hikes with her hunky husband and pack of rescue dogs, traveling in the Bookmobile, and her Keurig. Visit her at or drop her a note pamela at pamelahutchins dot com.
And if you would like her to visit your book club, women’s group, writer’s group, or library, all you have to do is ask.

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