Never mind that it’s celebrated in the USA, if it means we can share our love for writing then I’m in. The holiday was founded by John Riddle in 2002, himself a ghostwriter and author. His intention was for people of all ages, to write something on that day, be it a poem, a short story, part of a novel, a letter to someone, a diary entry, an article or…well, or a blog post. The holiday is celebrated by writing events, especially in schools and libraries, and people are encouraged to write in groups and work together on a fascinating project. You can find more information here.
As for me, I want to use this opportunity to share what I love writing about most, and what I love about writing most.
What I love writing about
- conflict (yeah, I love a good fighting scene with all the emotions and implications and consequences)
- romance (falling in love never becomes boring, neither does being in love)
- beautiful surroundings (give me a sunset to describe or a sight to visit, and I’m a happy writer)
- magic (I love everything paranormal and supernatural)
- books (I wish I could include one in every novel…and somehow I do because my protagonists are always reading something or other *lol*)
What I love about writing
- I can let out sides to me I usually not show.
- I can be creative.
- I can share something with others, maybe even leave a lasting impression or influence them.
- It makes me whole. I cannot not write.
- It’s my preferred way of communication.
What about you? What are your favourite topics to write about, or what are you best at? Why do you love writing? What kind of writing do you love most?