I graduated from German high school in mid-2016 and then migrated to Sri Lanka with my parents. It was a huge step for me as I had only ever been there for short holidays and was used to the European way of life. Suddenly living in a struggling Asian country where everything seemed louder, dirtier, more public, more complicated and decidedly hotter was like being thrown head-long into a No Safe Zone – especially as I was (still am) an introvert and had previously hardly done more than study and read.
What helped me? Reading. I used the very few, precious German paperbacks that I had brought with me to anchor myself, to soothe my nerves with something familiar which made me temporarily forget all the changes. And then I progressed to books I bought in Sri Lanka, some international and some by local authors, to get a different look at things. Writing into a diary and reading my thoughts put into words helped me too. So books became my Safe Zone and made it easier for me to settle down on this exotic little island in the Indian Ocean. And then I fell in love…but that’s a different story. ;-)
You can buy the romantic suspense novel “No Safe Zone” by the fabulous Adite Banerjie here and read my 5-star review for it here.